Basingstoke Science Cafe

FREE - Includes Meetup events. Pay by donation at our Science Cafe and guest fee at invited premium events.

Only £3 per month
Includes Science and Climate Cafe talks, Social Hub events, premium, inter-club and travel activities.

Community Membership
Management Systems

Basingstoke Friends
Social Hub
Social, Leisure, Learning, Cultural and Travel Activities

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Group Rules ...

Below lists the group rules. If you have never been to an event with the group before, please be aware:

• When you see an event you like, RSVP Yes and turn up – it’s simple! Anyone that turns up without RSVPing Yes, could be turned away, especially where there are limited space restrictions.

• If you can’t make an event or have RSVP’d Yes and can no longer make an event, just change your RSVP to No. Please don’t post a message in the comments section of the event saying you can’t make it as it generates a Spam message which goes to everyone who RSVP’d Yes for that event.

• If you have a question about an event that you can’t find the answer to, please email the Organiser at, please do not post a message in the comments section of an event, as it generates a Spam message which goes to everyone who RSVP’d Yes for that event.

• If you have never been to an event before and RSVP Yes without turning up three times in a row, we reserve the right to remove you from the group.

• Before the event, please read the event details so you know: the name of the group, the name of the organiser, where we are meeting, what we are doing, how to find us, what to bring and any costs involved etc.

• Anyone who is physically or verbally abusive to another member of the group, either online or at an event will be removed from the group and depending on the nature of the abuse, the Police could be involved.

If someone in this group is abusive to you, harasses you or you deem their behaviour to be inappropriate towards you (either online or offline), please inform me by email:

Bob Clifford
Organiser, Basingstoke Science Cafe