Sponsors List
The British Science Association is the UK's nationwide, open membership organisation which provides opportunities for people of all ages to learn about, discuss and challenge the sciences and their implications.
Established in 1831, the British Science Association organises major initiatives across the UK, including National Science & Engineering Week, the annual British Science Festival, programmes of regional and local events, and an extensive programme for young people in schools and colleges. The Association also organises specific activities for the science communication community in the UK through its Science in Society programme. For more information, please visit the web site below:
Charity registration numbers: 212479 and SC039236 |
This web site is provided using the ActivityForum Agoria web site builder toolkit supplied by ActivityForum Ltd.
Agoria is a constellation of tools for the development of web sites for Community Groups, Clubs, Societies and Centres from ActivityForum Ltd. The software is designed to help professional and volunteer managers to keep track of membership, events, payments, communication and Community Trading. Designed with the busy group in mind, it provides all of the tools you need for the efficient running on your activity group or professional body.
Completely web based with always on access via the internet, your data is always available to you to use. More details of what Agoria offers can be found at the web address below.
Active Hampshire (formerly known as Basingstoke and North Hampshire IVC) is a long established social club for graduates, professionals and like minded people serving the North Hampshire area.
Active Hampshire sponsors Cafe Scientifique in Basingstoke by providing hosts for the meetings and supporting the group as an autonomous Special Interest Group. Active Hampshire also pays the hosting fees for the Meetup group.
The Central Studio sponsor Cafe Scientifique by making their theatre facilities available to the group should they ever be required for a larger event. Central Studio is a small theatre situated on the campus of Queen Mary's College in Basingstoke.
The Studio hosts a number of events including, Comedy, Dance, Interactive Workshops and Live Music. Many of these are children friendly. Take at look at the what's on page for more information. They have a number of rooms that are available for hire. These include the dance studios, theatre and the recording studio, as well as other smaller rooms.
From professional to amateur performers as well as small corporate conferences and product launches - we can cater for your needs.
www.centralstudio.co.uk/ |